Definition of Culture in English is derived from the Greek culere which means working on the land. In the language of Indonesia, cultural words derived from the Sanskrit 'buddhayah', namely the plural from buddhi (budi or mind), which culture was interpreted as the result of thinking or mind man. There is the opinion that says that the word culture is the development of compound words 'budi-power' which means power from budi, namely in the form of copyright, karsa, and taste. Budi is a mind that is a spiritual element in culture, while culture was interpreted as the result of reason and human overview (Widyosiswoyo, 2004).
The definition of Culture
Koentjaraningrat (1987) define culture as all the total mind, the paper and the results of the human being who is not rooted to naturally and can only be induced by man after the learning process. Taylor (in Ibrahim, 2003) define culture as everything including knowledge, trust art, moral law, customs, and other habits that acquired by a person as a member of the community.
According to Kroeber and Kluckhohn culture is a manifestation or incarnation of the work of the human soul in the broadest possible sense. And according to Ki Hajar
Dewantara, culture means the fruit of the human understanding which is the result of the struggle of man against two powerful influence, namely nature and age (the nature and the community) which is evidence of the triumph of human life to overcome barriers and difficulties in life and livelihood to achieve salvation and happiness on the emergence of a peaceful and orderly (Widyosiswoyo, 2004). It can be concluded that the culture is the whole idea, the work of man, and habits acquired by a person as a member of the community who obtained after the learning process.
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The scope of
Cultural culture which is defined as the totality of the mind, the actions and the paper man has three exist (Koentjoroningrat, 1987 in Ibrahim, 2003). First, culture as the complex of ideas, ideas, values and norms, regulations, yag is abstract that can only be felt, but could not be seen and whatsoever. Widyosiswoyo (2004) said the ideas that are in the community interconnected with one another so that they formed a cultural system or culture system, for example is the tradition and science.
The second is the existence of a complex activity, patterned behavior and behavior, ceremonies and rites of the people in the community who had the nature can be felt and seen but cannot touch. Widyosiswoyo (2004) said this being as a social system or social system, for example is the gotong royong and cooperation.
The third being is the culture as the objects of human work is can be seen, frightened, and whatsoever. This being the most concrete called physical culture or material (material culture), for example is the Borobudur Temple, custom home until the aircraft, aircraft space.
Cultural factors
According To Kluckhohn in his Universal Categories of Culture, there are seven elements of the universal culture (Ibrahim, 2003; Widyosiswoyo, 2004). The seven elements is spirituality, social organization system, knowledge system, the system of livelihood, system technology and equipment, language, culture.
Berger & Williams (1992) stated that spirituality is restricted as a belief or relationship with a higher power, the divinity and the power that created life. While religion refers to the system that is being organized by the worship and the practice of spirituality.
Spirituality is the belief or a relationship with a higher power, the creator or the source of all power (Burkhdart, 1993 in Kozier, Ebr, Blais & Wilkinson, 1995). Meanwhile Mickey et al (1992 in Hamid, 1999) describes spirituality as a multi-dimensional, namely dimensions, namely eksisitensial dimension and the dimension of the religion. Eksisitensial dimension focuses on the purpose and meaning of life, while the dimension of the religion focuses on the relationship of the person with God the Almighty ruler. Hamid (1999) also concluded that there is a continuous relationship between the two dimensions.
2.organizational system and community
organizations and societal System is a product of man as homo socius. Man is aware that his body is weak, but man with his intellect forming forces with how to arrange community organizations which is the workplace to work together to achieve a common goal is improving the welfare of his life. The organization is a social unit that is deliberately formed in order to achieve a particular purpose (Ibrahim, 2003).
3.knowledge system
knowledge system is a product of man as Homo sapiens. The knowledge can be obtained from the thought itself and also from the thought of others. The human ability to remember what has been known, then convey to others through Bible cause the knowledge spread. Especially when that knowledge can be maintained, then its propagation can be done from one generation to the next generation.
4.The System of livelihood
of livelihood System is a product of man as homo economicus make the level of human life in general continues to increase. In the level of food gathering, human life with animals. But in the level of food producing a rapid progress has occurred. After the crops and livestock that continue to increase (rising demand) that sometimes tend to greediness. The system of livelihood this includes the type of work and income.
5.The System technology and
system tools and equipment technology is the production of man as homo faber. Stems from the mindset of the smartphone and assisted with his hand that can hold something with closely, man can be created at the same time use a tool. With the tools of creation that man can better able to suffice his needs.
is a product of man as homo longuens. The language of man in the beginning is realized in the form of the sign (CODE), which then perfected in the form of oral language, and finally became the language of the post. The languages that have been developed have the wealth of a large crowd so that more and more communicative.
Art is the result of man as homo esteticus. After sufficient physical needs men need to and always seek to meet the needs of the psikisnya Ravana s. All that can be met through the arts. The arts placed as the last element for six previous needs, generally must be met first.